Stop hitting municipalities with healthcare taxes

Author: 2018/09/17

VANCOUVER, BC: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling on the British Columbia government to cancel the Employer Health Tax (EHT) and to stop downloading their healthcare responsibilities on to the job creators and cities of British Columbia.

“Last year the provincial government surprised employers by springing a brand new Employer Health Tax on them, including cities and towns,” said Kris Sims, BC Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “Local governments raise money by raising taxes and fees on the people who live there, so, this new health tax is just taking money out of the taxpayers’ other pocket.”

The EHT hits every job creator and employer in B.C. that has a payroll of more than $500 thousand, which includes most cities and towns. The CTF spoke with municipal leaders from Courtenay to Cranbrook this summer, and all of them said they were blindsided by the new tax imposed by Victoria, and that they would need to scramble to find the thousands of dollars to cover the new cost.

“Not only does this tax punish job creators for employing people in this province while double dipping with the Medical Services Premium next year, it sends the new healthcare bill by stealth to property taxpayers across B.C.,” Sims added. “The NDP campaigned on ridding us of the MSP, they didn’t say that they would impose a new healthcare tax with another name.”


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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