Social Housing Should Only be for the Needy

Author: Derek Fildebrandt 2014/09/02

Most Albertans broadly agree that society has a responsibility to take care of its vulnerable and needy, be it through not-for-profit organizations, charities, individual actions or government programs. There is an expectation however that where the public’s resources are being used, that this help will be directed only towards those who actually need it. 

Last week, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) released data obtained through a Freedom of Information request showing that some people who clearly do not require government support are living in social housing units.

The data showed 369 tenants with incomes over $60,000 living in Calgary Housing Company (CHC) units. Of this, 85 tenants earned over $80,000 a year, 31 tenants earned over $100,000 and 13 tenants earned between $120,000 and $171,000.

Those of us who have earned less than $60,000 at some point in ours lives know that it isn’t enough to lead a rich lifestyle, but it’s certainly enough to stand on one’s own two feet without government housing. Those earning more than $100,000 shouldn’t need to be told.

These medium and high-income earners living in CHC units do not receive a direct “operating subsidy,” the same as the tenants who are in genuine need. They pay rent roughly equivalent to market rates, but are afforded a place in cheap housing that was built by taxpayers, intended for low-income Calgarians.

This would make perfect sense if there were vacant units. CHC might as well fill empty units with those willing to pay full rates to rent them.

Unfortunately, there are 3,397 people on the waiting list for subsidized housing units right now in Calgary. When those people who earn enough to support themselves refuse to leave these units, those who actually need them have to wait. In many cases, they are women fleeing domestic abuse, homeless people seeking to have a permanent roof over their heads, or persons with disabilities. 

While these people wait for housing units, taxpayers are stuck with the bill for building new ones. There is a real social and economic cost to allowing these well-off people to remain tenants of the CHC.

If we removed the 369 tenants making between $60,000 and $171,000 from CHC units, we would cut the waiting list for the genuinely needy by 11 per cent, over night. That would make a real difference in the lives of 369 individuals and families who need help right now.

Anyone who has followed the housing market in Calgary knows that it’s not cheap to build new homes right now. Eliminating the need to build another 369 homes would save taxpayers a nice chunk of change.

The CHC claims that the Alberta Residential Tenancies Act prevents them from evicting these tenants, so long as they pay their rent on time and keep the noise down. The CHC – and other social housing agencies across Alberta – grandfathered these tenants under the old rules.

It’s therefore up to the province to make the necessary legislative changes to allow Alberta’s social housing agencies to end high-income leases so that these spaces can be used for which they were originally intended. 

This is now the second straight year that the CTF has blown the whistle on high-income earners living in taxpayer-funded social housing in Calgary. It’s time for the next premier to take action and fix this travesty.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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