Referendum Should be Mandatory to Approve Ranked Ballots for Municipal Elections

Author: 2016/04/11

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is concerned that amendments to the Ontario Municipal Elections Act would give mayors and city councils the power to change the voting system without first getting explicit consent from voters in a referendum.

Recent proposed changes to the Ontario Municipal Elections Act, if passed, give municipalities the authority to pass a by-law to use ranked ballot voting, beginning in the 2018 municipal elections. Ranked ballots would allow a voter to rank candidates in order of preference, instead of one vote where a candidate is elected by simple majority.

“We support initiatives to give voters greater choice in how they elect their representatives, and which allow voters preferences to be more accurately reflected,” said CTF Ontario Director Christine Van Geyn. “Our concern with the proposed legislation is that it does not require a referendum within municipalities, so voters don’t get a say in whether the electoral system in their community should be changed.”

The CTF is a long standing advocate of electoral reform. For example, the CTF endorsed the single transferable vote proposal in the 2005 and 2009 British Columbia referenda, and the 2007 Ontario electoral reform referendum. CTF is also currently calling for a referendum nationally on changes to the federal electoral system.

“Giving current politicians the unilateral authority to change the electoral system creates an inherent conflict of interest. Incumbents will naturally choose the system that most advantages them,” continued Van Geyn. “If the government is going to take a principled position on electoral reform, they need to amend their proposed legislation to require a referendum in municipalities before the electoral system can be changed. Voters have a right to have their voices heard on how they elect their political leaders.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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