Premier Needs to Lead by Example

Author: Colin Craig 2013/04/19

CTF points out more ways to cut spending, launches petition opposing PST hike

WINNIPEG, MB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) called on the Selinger government today to cancel plans to raise the PST and instead cut spending by first leading by example. (Photo: Wikipedia/Flickr/US Mission Canada)

The CTF outlined over $1 million in annual savings that could be accomplished at the legislature alone:

  1. Reduce the size of cabinet from 19 back down to 15; the size of cabinet when Gary Doer became premier
  2. Reinstitute the 40% pay reduction for cabinet during times of deficit spending
  3. Cancel the “vote tax” subsidy
  4. Once again have an MLA take over the “Military Envoy” role; a job since made full time and given to former MLA Bonnie Korzeniowski

“Instead of taking money families have for groceries and clothing, the premier should leave the PST at seven per cent and cut wasteful government spending,” said CTF Prairie Director Colin Craig. “The premier needs to start leading by example and reduce his large cabinet and handouts to his own party. Until he makes such changes, taxpayers can’t take him seriously.”

To mobilize taxpayers the CTF has started a petition at www.GregLied.ca and will be encouraging its supporters to speak to Bill 20 at committee.

Over the years the CTF has highlighted countless other big ticket areas of waste and inefficient spending; reducing the province’s large civil service, pursuing pension reform, cutting grants and subsidies for businesses and reducing advertising. It has also highlighted smaller ticket items like funds spent on Jets tickets and rooftop barbecues for WRHA executives.

To view the CTF’s 2013 pre-budget recommendations – click here

To view numerous examples of wasteful spending – click here

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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