Over 8,000 Petition Signatures Presented

Author: Colin Craig 2013/07/17

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today delivered over 8,000 petition names against the PST increase to the Manitoba Legislature. The CTF started the petition in April after the government announced it would break the law and table a sales tax increase as part of the 2013 budget.

“The 8,000 petition names we collected are even more evidence that Manitobans are PST’d off about the premier breaking his promise,” said CTF Prairie Director Colin Craig. “We’ve heard loud and clear from many Manitobans that they simply can’t afford all the tax increases that they keep getting hit with in this province.”

Since the PST increase was announced, the CTF:

  • Held an anti-PST hike rally at the legislature along with other organizations
  • Launched a petition at www.GregLied.ca
  • Held a press conference at the legislature to highlight fat right under the government’s nose
  • Presented to the legislative committee reviewing the tax increase (and posted speaking points for others to consider online – see www.GregLied.ca)
  • Wrote an open letter to the premier along with other organizations
  • Emailed supporters to encourage them to speak out against the sales tax increase and present at committee.

“The PST increase means you have less money to put your kids in soccer or save for your retirement. If you’re still upset you need to speak out,” added Craig. “The only way we’re ever going to get the PST back to 7 per cent is by convincing politicians they need to start cutting all the fat in government.”








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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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