Ontario Elementary Students and Parents Deserve Report Cards

Author: Christine Van Geyn 2015/06/18

TORONTO, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has launched a petition calling on the Ontario government, school boards and teachers’ unions to put student welfare first, and ensure that elementary students receive the report cards they deserve this school year.

As a result of teachers’ union work-to-rule labour action, many Ontario elementary students will not be receiving report cards when the school year ends. Students in many school districts, including Peel, Waterloo, and London may not receive report cards. Instead, parents will receive a letter stating whether their child passed or failed, or a “mark summary”.

“Students who worked hard deserve the right to know their grades, and parents deserve the right to know how their child is performing in school,” said CTF Ontario Director Christine Van Geyn. “The teachers union and the school boards should put student interest first and ensure that parents and students receive report cards.”

Ontario elementary teachers began a work-to-rule campaign on May 10, after eight months of unsuccessful negotiations with the province. The union representing the striking teachers has claimed that the strikes relate to non-monetary issues like hiring practices, prep time and class size.

However, the school boards claim that the teachers are in fact seeking $3.2 billion in monetary claims, including a 3 per cent wage increase each year for three years, plus a cost of living allowance.

“Ontario is broke, and there simply is no more money to appease the perpetually unhappy teachers’ unions that have gone to war over wages with governments of every stripe,” said Van Geyn. “The teachers’ union needs to put student interest first, and stop self-interested wage related labour action in the name of student welfare.”

The Toronto District School Boards (TDSB) previously announced they would not issue report cards, but now the 170,000 students in the province’s largest school board will receive marks. The TDSB will be using senior staff to input grades and get report cards out to parents. York region also followed suit, by promising a “mark summary” for students starting August 31. Peel region will only provide marks to parents who ask for them, and not until September 30. Students in many other districts still will not receive final grades or report cards.

The CTF’s petition can be signed here: https://www.taxpayer.com/resource-centre/petitions/petition?tpContentId=100

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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