New mandate, old ideas

Author: Adrienne Batra 2007/06/05
WINNIPEG: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) responded to the NDP government's throne speech beginning the 39th session of Manitoba's Legislative Assembly. In a short, six minute speech, the NDP government re-iterated their promise to spend more taxpayers' money, but did acknowledge some tax relief for individuals and businesses was on its way.

"There was little new information provided to Manitobans in the speech from the throne, but the CTF is pleased the NDP government has committed to lowering both personal and business taxes and increasing the property tax credit," said Manitoba Director Adrienne Batra. "The provincial government is now on record declaring there will be a multi-year plan to provide 80 percent of education funding through the general revenue fund, a policy the CTF supports."

Other commitments include more spending in health care, social programs, safe communities and the environment. "During the provincial election the NDP vowed to introduce legislation that would ensure Manitoba meets the emission reduction targets set out in the Kyoto Protocol. This policy comes with no potential impact on Manitoba's economy and the CTF will be pressing the government to show Manitoba taxpayers their fiscal plan to implement this potentially costly policy," concluded Batra.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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