New book: "Liars: The McGuinty-Wynne Record"

Author: Candice Malcolm 2014/05/07

We at the CTF were approached by author Daniel Dickin about his new book on Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne's legacy in Ontario. The book -- which uses CTF figures, topics, and research -- chronicles the scandals and fiscal record of these Liberal governments. It's an important topic, so we wanted to pass it along to our supporters. Below is more information about this exciting new book. 



Daniel Dickin

Until now, no author has dared to chronicle the disastrous legacy of Dalton McGuinty and his Ontario Liberal and union cronies. Daniel Dickin is about to shatter that silence with the release of Liars: The McGuinty-Wynne Record.

McGuinty was elected on the promise that he would not raise taxes, yet only months later he introduced the $900 health tax.

Ontario's debt is dangerously high, at over $20,116 for every man, woman, and child living here. This number has doubled since the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals took office.

Billions of dollars have been thrown into the Liberals' unproven energy project, the Green Energy Act.

A billion dollars was wasted on eHealth, hundreds of millions on a Liberal slush fund, lavish contracts for McGuinty's Liberals and union cronies, and the infamous $1.1 billion on the Oakville and Mississauga gas plants – but what did McGuinty care?

The McGuinty government routinely employed race-based policing tactics, refusing to arrest aboriginals who committed crimes. This trend, too, has continued under Kathleen Wynne.

The Liberals introduced the HST without ever consulting Ontarians or businesses. By doing so, they added an 8 percent tax to hundreds of new items.

McGuinty added the eco tax to our shopping receipts – Wynne repealed those eco fees in favour of a hidden eco tax on businesses instead.

Kathleen Wynne has only continued the McGuinty legacy of explosive deficit spending, ever-increasing debt, expensive green energy experiments, and continual scandals that involve the misuse or abuse of billions of dollars of taxpayers' money. Under the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals, Ontario is poised to become the next California or Greece, and only decisive corrective action can fix this mess.

Dickin's book is available in paper at http://freedompress.ca/Liars.php and in e-book format from Amazon.ca.

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