New Alberta Carbon Tax Adds to List of Tax Hikes, Kicking Albertans When They’re Down

Author: Paige MacPherson 2015/11/22

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling the Alberta government’s new carbon tax an unfair hit to Alberta families, businesses and rural communities.

The government of Alberta today released its plan to impose a broad-based carbon tax across all sectors of the economy, predicted to cost the average household $320 per year in 2017, rising to $470 per year in 2018, increasing each year after that. The government-commissioned climate change report says the cost will rise to $900 per year in 2030 for the average family if the carbon price increases at the predicted rate.

“Where did the Alberta government get the idea that Alberta families had an extra $900 lying around they didn’t want?” asked CTF Alberta Director Paige MacPherson. “This carbon tax is kicking Albertan families and businesses when they’re down.”

The report notes, “these costs will…have the greatest impact on the disposable income of lower- and middle-income Alberta residents.”

“A carbon tax is a tax on everything that moves, so on top of the direct cost, the cost of food and clothing will rise,” said MacPherson. “There’s also a cost to the investment and economic growth we’ll lose because of this.”

The Alberta government indicated the carbon tax will be ‘revenue neutral,’ but hasn’t explained how.

“Revenue neutral always means revenue neutral for government, not for taxpayers,” said MacPherson. “In BC, the tax credits given back to taxpayers did not benefit as many people as the carbon tax hurt." 

BC’s carbon tax was frozen in the 2013 election after the government admitted it was a burden on taxpayers.

“The carbon tax adds to the laundry list of tax hikes this government has imposed,” said MacPherson. “Six months in office and they’ve increased income taxes, business taxes, existing carbon taxes, taxes on cigarettes, train fuel and beer, and now this. Yet they haven’t cut back at all. When will this government stop bankrolling their irresponsible decisions on the backs of taxpayers?”

The Alberta government has indicated that much of the carbon tax revenue will be “reinvested into measures that reduce pollution.”

“That sounds like code for corporate welfare,” said MacPherson. “Is the government planning to take more from taxpayers and dish it out to their friends in the green energy sector? That scheme has been a disaster in Ontario.”

A CTF report on BC’s carbon tax showed taxpayers in rural communities felt they were hit the hardest.

“Driving your kids to daycare and heating your homes are necessities for all Albertans, but in rural areas there are truly no other options,” said MacPherson.


For more information:

CTF Alberta Director Paige MacPherson
cell: 403-478-7184, office: 403-475-6207, email: [email protected]

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