NS: Nova Star Report is Just a Few Hurried Scribbles

Author: Kevin Lacey 2015/02/02

Documents obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), through the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act shows that hand written “meeting notes” were used to justify the millions taxpayers spent in the “start up” of the Yarmouth Ferry.


According to the Amended Letter of Offer, Nova Star was supposed to file  “a monthly report to the Province starting on the first full day of every month following the date of this agreement…”  


The CTF requested these reports and obtained those from December 2013 to March 2014.


A note dated March 18, 2014 stood out from the rest. It was nothing more than a set of hand written meeting notes. 

You can find a copy of the report HERE


The document is titled “Nova Star Update” and it details a mix up in communication after the date of first sail was released and before it was approved, the note said:

“Lisa had mention the request for the chng in the sailing date publically before it was approved”.


It also shows that it was understood money Nova Star was given for a $2 million Bond would go back to the government, the note states: “bond fund Minister wants returned”.

To see all the reports contained in CTF FOI, click HERE





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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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