Manitoba's Naughty and Nice List

Author: Colin Craig 2014/12/19

As we inch closer to Christmas, let’s take a moment to imagine what Santa’s ‘naughty and nice’ list might have to say about politicians and government bodies in Manitoba.

At the provincial level, Manitoba Housing deserves a mention on the “nice” list for investigating concerns the Canadian Taxpayers Federation raised about high income earners living in subsidized social housing. The department eventually raised the rents on several high-income people, including one person who was making over $150,000 per year. Here’s hoping the department takes the next step and boots high-income people out completely, making room for the truly needy.

At the City of Winnipeg, Mayor Bowman and the five councillors who voted to try and get rid of a costly payout scheme deserve to make the ‘nice list.’ Bowman, Gillingham, Morantz, Lukes, Wyatt and Orlikow deserve thanks for trying to end the practice of giving big cheques to council members who decide not to run again or are laid off by voters (i.e. not voted in again).

Councillor Allard deserves a shout out for trying to get the city to regularly review the CAO’s performance and, former Councillor Paula Havixbeck and Councillor Jenny Gerbasi deserve a nod for putting forward the motion that led to the audit of the police headquarters project.

Heading up the naughty list is Premier Greg Selinger. What can you say about a man who is bringing the province to its proverbial fiscal knees? Our province’s debt continues to explode, the deficit is worse than expected and his own party is mulling his removal. Throw in a “negative outlook” caution being placed on Manitoba’s credit rating, the premier’s broken promise on the provincial sales tax (he still hasn’t reversed that disastrous decision) and it’s clear he’s been anything but nice this year.

Aiding and abetting Premier Selinger are the six dissidents cabinet ministers and MLAs who suddenly feel the premier should be pulled from office. It’s great that the self-serving lot are helping to expose a government that has been anything but taxpayer-friendly, but one has to remember the dissidents supported the premier every step of the way.

They voted for his risky, high-spending budgets when he was finance minister and the PST increase. The only reason why they’re speaking out is because they think they’ll lose their seats. Chalk them up on the naughty list as well.

Red River College’s former President Stephanie Forsyth deserves a mention too. Earlier this year the Canadian Taxpayers Federation obtained and released College documents that show she took marble from a building that was being renovated and had it installed in her home. The College’s Board of Directors (who are supposed to be looking out for taxpayers) also deserve to make the list as they were asleep at the switch throughout most of her tenure. (Including when she expensed her golf shoes, a driver’s license and bills for a wedding-related event). Hopefully they’ve since bought some caffeine.

That’s it for this year’s naughty and nice list. Let’s hope next year’s list features more ‘nice’ entries and fewer ‘naughty’ ones! 

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