Manitoba’s Historic $250,970,319 Secret

Author: Colin Craig 2014/05/20

How can a government body spend $250,970,319 – more than a quarter of a billion dollars – and refuse to release the details?

Ask Manitoba Hydro, they’ve done just that.

For years Manitoba Hydro has had an agreement with Aboriginal reserves in northern Manitoba whereby the latter rack up bills related to considering proposed dams up north and Hydro picks up the tab.

For years the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has heard concerns from grassroots about the expenses and for years Manitoba Hydro has refused to release a single receipt, claiming the bills are all “confidential.” Click here to see an example of Hydro’s refusal.

We’ve highlighted this issue many times in the past, but now Hydro has indicated this absurd set-up (keeping everything confidential, no apparent budget for these expenses) has crossed the historic $250,000,000 mark (click here to see the document).

Yes, a quarter of a billion dollars. And for what? Confidential nuclear weapon research? A covert operation to protect our nation from terrorism?

Nope. Bills related to negotiations and ‘community costs’ around building Hydro dams. Again, we’re not even talking about the cost of building the dams. We're talking lawyers, travel bills, bills for community meetings, consultants and who knows what else?

Meanwhile, Manitoba’s provincial government sits by, twiddles its thumbs and does nothing. When this issue comes up they routinely throw out the talking point that it’s ‘better to negotiate with the First Nations before the dams are built and land is flooded than providing compensation after the fact.’

Yes, we  couldn’t agree more. That’s not the point. Where did the money go? That’s the quarter billion dollar question.

In fact, I think it's a historic question - can anyone name another time in Manitoba's (or Canada's) history when a quarter of a billion dollars or more has been spent and all the details have been kept hidden from the public???

Click here to see the latest figures.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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