Manitoba Hydro shouldn’t spend money on hockey

Author: 2016/03/04
  • Manitoba Hydro spent $252,322 on Jets’ sponsorships and tickets
  • More than half of the tickets were used for “business purposes” without providing details

REGINA, SK: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has obtained a freedom of information document from Manitoba Hydro showing it has spent $252,322 over the past two NHL seasons purchasing sponsorships and season tickets to the Winnipeg Jets.

“Manitoba Hydro is a monopoly so why is it advertising during Jets games?” Asked Todd MacKay, Prairie Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “It’s not like Manitobans have another choice for power and it’s not like anyone is unaware of the Crown, so why does Hydro need its name in lights at NHL games?”

The $252,322 is enough to cover the entire utility bill for 153 Manitoban families for a year. (Photo Bryan Little, Winnipeg Jets, Photo: Clyde/Flickr/Creative Commons)

Of the four seasons tickets obtained by the monopoly crown electricity company, more than half of the tickets were used for undisclosed “business purposes,” but the documents don’t show who used them or what business purpose was advanced. An about a quarter of the tickets were donated to various charities. The rest were sold, used for employee recognition or given to customers.

“Hydro using Jets tickets for undisclosed ‘business purposes’ is a tangible example of a Crown corporation failing to be completely transparent to its owners: the people of Manitoba,” said MacKay. “Most Manitoban’s don’t go to Jets games on the company dime and Hydro shouldn’t make it a habit either.”

The Manitoba Hydro FOI document obtained by the CTF can be found HERE.



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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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