MB: Open Letter to Katz Re: Photo Radar Review at Grant & Nathaniel

Author: Colin Craig 2012/05/24

The following open letter was sent to Mayor Katz from Wise Up Winnipeg and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation regarding the Grant and Nathaniel photo radar location.


Dear Mayor Katz,

Thank you for your comments this morning on CJOB about the need to review the photo radar location at Grant and Nathaniel.

Your comments this morning – stating the need to bring in “someone with some expertise” to get to the bottom of the photo radar situation at that location – are encouraging.

As you know, Wise Up Winnipeg tried to engage fairly on this issue in court, but the crown’s lawyer stayed the charges after being denied a second adjournment. It would be unreasonable to expect anyone else to put up $10,000 in legal bills to fight a $250 photo radar ticket in the future, only to have the same maneuver pulled by the crown.

As you consider how to review the photo radar situation at Grant and Nathaniel, we have four recommendations:

1) Immediately halt issuing photo radar tickets at that location and suspend outstanding tickets until a conclusion has been reached.

2) Enforce the speed along that stretch of road by using real police officers as needed.

3) Bring in an independent expert to review the matter. The Winnipeg Police Service has consistently stated there is nothing wrong with the location – their bias is evident.

4) Ask an expert to review evidence from the public and other jurisdictions including Australia. After all, Australia has had photo radar since 1985; long before Winnipeg’s first trials with the technology in 2001.

As you may know, we have brought to light considerable evidence that suggests the metal objects in the way at the Grant and Nathaniel location have caused interference. For example:

1) The Queensland Police Department (also uses Gatso technology) notes clearly on its web site that metal objects can interfere.

2) An audit from the Victoria Police Department in Australia notes in multiple locations that metal objects can interfere with the readings.

3) Media reports from Australia that note tickets are being refunded as the readings are inaccurate due to metal objects interfering with the beam.

4) A copy of a manual from equipment that was previously used in British Columbia which also states metal objects can interfere (available upon request.)

5) The testimony of Mr. Ken Sontag, a former Transport Canada official and radar expert with over 30 patents to his name.

6) The outcry from over 800 citizens who have questioned the accuracy of their tickets; an unprecedented number in Winnipeg’s 11 year history with photo radar.

Again, we thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let us know if we can be of assistance.



Colin Craig, Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Todd Dube, Wise Up Winnipeg


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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