The Bipole III Coalition is putting on an independent inquiry today regarding Manitoba Hydro's overall plan to build two new dams in northern Manitoba. I've written many times about our concerns with Hydro's risky plan.
However, something new that came out from the inquiry this morning is a leaked Hydro document that was distributed by Karen Friesen, President of the Bipole III Coalition. In short, the document was prepared for Manitoba Hydro's board an essentially describes the idea of routing the new, massive Bipole III line down the west side of the province as a terrible idea on so many grounds - environmental, cost, reliability, etc.
To view the document - click here.
To view a letter from Premier Selinger (then Finance Minister) directing Manitoba Hydro to build a longer line down the west side of the province instead of the east side - click here.
Is Canada Off Track?
Canada has problems. You see them at gas station. You see them at the grocery store. You see them on your taxes.
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