MB: Drowning in taxes

Author: Colin Craig 2012/11/09

Take a look at the email I received below and you can see the problem taxpayers in Winnipeg and many other communities are facing.

The self identified senior notes that their pay is barely increasing and they can't keep up with property tax increases and other fees that keep going up and up and up.

She is also concerned about the upcoming provincial budget – perhaps because the last one brought in the largest tax increase in 25 years??

In other words, the situation is already unsustainable for her and many others.

Incredibly, things are going to get worse as more and more people become seniors, earn less and thus pay less in income taxes. As they get older, they'll be demanding more and more in terms of expensive health care procedures.

Meanwhile, governments have done nothing to prepare for this massive "grey tsunami." Provincially, our net debt is increasing by about $47 per second and the province has no savings to deal with these problems. Meanwhile, you have municipalities constantly crying that they don't have enough money to pay for infrastructure needs and several government employee pension plans are deep in debt.

Welcome to the future. Good luck to those calling for massive government spending and more and more tax increases...it just won't work.



Hi Colin,

I am a senior citizen trying to stay in my home.  The property tax for 2012 increased and now I am hearing another increase for 2013.  Mayor Katz ran his election stating that taxes would not be increased and here we are with 2 increases back to back.  The provincial budget is coming out soon and I fear what the increase in taxes to seniors will be in their budget.

The fiascal of the garbage pick up has increased our water bill by 14 cents per day per month.  I have yet to have my garbage and recycle picked up on the day I have been assigned.

I have a vision disability and my home has been accommodated to meet my vision challenges and I would not like to leave however when your income is below poverty I fear that my time living independently is coming to an end.

I do not know what the Taxpayer`s Association can do to advocate but whatever assistance you can provide seniors and persons with disabilities would be much appreciated.




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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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