MB: Analysis: Incomes not keeping pace with cost of crime

Author: Colin Craig 2010/07/22

Manitobans' incomes up 17%, cost of crime up 23.5%

Need to explore new ideas to control costs

WINNIPEG: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) released analysis today showing the average Manitoban’s income is growing slower than the amount they have to pay for policing, jails, court costs and other crime related expenditures in Manitoba.

“Government data shows taxpayers’ incomes are growing far slower than the amount the average taxpayer is paying to address crime,” said CTF Prairie Director Colin Craig. “From 2004-05 to 2008-09 Manitobans’ incomes grew on average by about 17 per cent yet the cost to the average taxpayer for policing, jails and other crime-related expenditures grew by about 24 per cent.”

Key Findings

 2004-052008-09% Change
Annual cost of policing, jails, courts in MB$527.9 million$687.1 million30.2%
Annual cost per capita in MB (Over 14 yrs of age)$561.50$693.3023.5%
Avergage Manitobans' Weekly Earnings$641.83$750.8417.0%


“Given the recent unflattering crime stats it is only a matter of time before knee-jerk politicians simply respond with another grand press conference and by throwing more money at the problem,” added Craig. “That’s not acceptable. They need to be accountable for all the money that’s in the system right now and explain why they’re failing. Taxpayers are getting tapped out.”
“We need to hear some creative ideas from politicians,” said Craig. “For example, why not do what Saskatchewan is doing and start charging prisoners for calls that they make while in jail? Or perhaps they could follow New York’s lead and explore charging prisoners who can afford it for their time in jail. Ohio inmates gain work experience by making license plates, toilet paper, chairs, mattresses and some even repair government vehicles. That’s what we need to start seeing in Manitoba.”
To view the backgrounder, click here.



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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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