Lessons from Australia - Carbon Tax Failure

Author: 2016/12/05
  • Australian Carbon Tax Repealed After Two Years (2012-14)

  • Chris Berg of Australia's Institute of Public Affairs Touring Canada to Tell Failures of the Australian Carbon Tax

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has launched a cross-country tour with Chris Berg, senior fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs – the think tank that was a leading voice pushing for the repeal of Australia’s carbon tax. (Photo: Alberta Director Paige MacPherson interviewing Chris Berg at Calgary event)

Australia’s national carbon tax came into effect July 1, 2012, and was repealed on July 17, 2014.

“Australians tried a carbon tax, it didn’t work, so they repealed it, and Canadians need to take a close look at that experience,” said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. “Many Canadians are about to feel the impact of a national carbon tax and it’s important to find out what to expect and hear it first-hand from a country that has tried it.”

Australia produces roughly 1.5 per cent of world greenhouse gas emissions. Canada produces 1.65 per cent.

“Many Australians faced high energy bills and job losses as a result of our carbon tax,” said Chris Berg of the Institute of Public Affairs.

“The government was forced to create heaps of new bureaucracy, rebates, free carbon credits and red tape just to deal with the fallout from the tax. And worst of all, it did virtually nothing to impact global climate change. Canadians should not follow us down this path.”

The IPA estimated that the carbon tax coupled with Australia’s other energy regulations pushed up electricity bills by 25 per cent. In 2013, the IPA also estimated the carbon tax was costing Australians $9 billion ($8.89 billion CDN) per year.

“We’re hoping once Canadians hear the story of Australia’s failed carbon tax, they will push politicians here at home to repeal our incoming carbon taxes,” continued Wudrick.

The CTF’s tour with Chris Berg starts today in Calgary, continues to Saskatoon on Tuesday, Toronto on Wednesday and Ottawa on Thursday and Friday. Chris is the keynote speaker at two public speaking events; tonight in Calgary and Wednesday night in Toronto.


For more information or to book an interview with Mr. Berg:
Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation: c: 613-295-8409
Chris Berg, Senior Fellow, Institute of Public Affairs (contact Kevin Lacey, Atlantic Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation – c: 902-209-1115)

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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