Guinness World Record for Broken Tax Promise:

Author: Kevin Gaudet 2007/06/12
McGuinty and Broten's New TV Tax

Toronto: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) responded today to reports that Environment Minister Laurel Broten is planning a new tax on the purchase of televisions, computers, and printers. CTF Ontario Director Kevin Gaudet said, "Premier McGuinty should apply to the Guinness World Book of Records for the fastest broken political promise. Only ten days ago he promised not to raise taxes in Ontario if reelected."

Minister Broten is reported today in the Toronto Star to be planning to impose a new fee on the purchase of televisions, computers and printers. The Minister reportedly says the fees will go to recycling programs for the electronic devices and that programs will be modeled on programs from Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Ten days ago, on Saturday June 3rd, Premier McGuinty promised not to raise taxes saying, "you can trust me because I am in charge". Prior to the last election, as Liberal Party leader, Mr. McGuinty signed the Taxpayer Protection Promise in which he promised not to raise taxes or if he was going to raise taxes to hold a referendum. He broke the promise by introducing the Health Tax and by giving the City of Toronto new taxing powers.

"The Premier has a successful track record on breaking promises, especially promises not to raise taxes. With this new promise and his skill at promise breaking, I think he might be eligible for the record", said Gaudet.


For more information please contact:
Kevin Gaudet at 416-203-0030 office or mobile 416-725-0501

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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