Green Rejection: Carbon tax suffers blistering defeat in Swiss referendum

Author: Dean Smith 2015/03/12

While Canadian politicians are throwing out the idea of a carbon tax in Ontario and even nationally, citizens of a green-friendly European nation have soundly rejected a carbon tax.

A carbon tax introduced by the Switzerland’s Liberal Green Party suffered a searing defeat in a referendum vote in that country on Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Liberal Green Party introduced the levy to replace the country’s equivalent of a GST. The new Carbon tax would not collect any additional revenues but simply shift the sales tax from goods and services to energy.

The carbon tax would increase taxes on petrol and all carbon-based energy and heating sources – such as natural gas, oil, and coal. Even uranium, which is not carbon-based, would be taxed. Meanwhile energy from solar and wind would be tax exempt.

There were even rumours circulating it might reduce Switzerland’s overall tax burden, however the price for a litre of gas would reportedly increase to five Swiss francs or $6.30/litre Canadian.

The Liberal Green Party claimed the tax would reduce Switzerland’s greenhouse gas emissions.

However, at the polls 92% of Swiss voters rejected the carbon tax initiative. It was the second worst referendum defeat in Switzerland’s history. Some Cantons even voted 100% against the tax.

Since 1891, Switzerland has used Direct Democracy along side its legislature to govern the country. Every piece of legislation can be challenged to a referendum vote provided enough names are collected in a petition drive. Citizens can also initiate their own legislation through referendums. 

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Franco Terrazzano
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