Good and bad in fiscal update

Author: Colin Craig 2018/02/28

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) responded today to the Alberta government’s third-quarter fiscal update with both beefs and bouquets. The CTF has been pushing the government to aggressively curtail spending and balance the budget.

“It’s positive to see the operating deficit come in lower than expected, but the government is still piling on way too much debt,” said CTF Alberta Director Colin Craig. “In just one term in office, the Notley government is expected to more than triple the province’s debt. That’s just not fair for young people.”

GOOD: The CTF is pleased to see the government’s operating deficit drop to $9.1 billion – approximately $1.4 billion lower than the budget projected.

BAD: Spending is $1 billion higher than budgeted. Had the government met its own spending target, the operating deficit would be $8.1 billion. Overall, the CTF is very concerned with the government’s plan to continue to increase spending and more than triple the debt during its current term.


Pay reductions: It’s not fair for the government to continue to offer pay increases and freezes for government employees while people in the private sector received pay reductions during the recent recession. Despite claims of “pay freezes” for teachers and nurses, the government is still allowing thousands of those employees to receive pay increases.

Eliminate corporate welfare: The government should be eliminating grants and loans to businesses – taxpayers should be the ones who decide if they want to invest in a business or not.

Delay Capital projects: Delay the start of non-urgent capital projects, stretching the province’s four-year capital plan over five years.

“We still haven’t seen the government aggressively scale back spending,” added Craig. “The government claims it’s restraining spending, but total spending is still going up. They need to trim the fat more aggressively.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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