Federal - Tell the Trudeau government to Call a Referendum on Electoral Reform

Author: 2016/10/03

Dear Supporter,

As you may know, the Trudeau government is currently studying various reforms to the voting system. A special Electoral Reform committee is touring the country seeking input from Canadians, and is due to report back to Parliament by December.
The CTF has long been a supporter of electoral reform – but only on the condition that a referendum is held first. We believe that reforming how we count votes is too fundamental a change to impose on Canadians without getting their explicit permission first.
As part of their consultations, you can participate in an online survey that the Electoral Reform committee has set up by clicking here: http://www.parl.gc.ca/Committees/en/ERRE/StudyActivity?studyActivityId=9013025 (link to the survey is on the right hand side in a green box – deadline is October 7th)
Whether you’re in favour of changing the voting system or not, can you take a minute to share your thoughts with the Parliamentary committee? And also be sure to tell them you want a referendum regardless of what they decide.
Thanks for all you do.

  • Scott, Aaron, Shannon and the entire CTF team

P.S.: Politicians only listen when they hear it loud and clear. Keep the CTF making lots of loud noise by making a financial contribution today. You can make your donation through our secure donation website here: 

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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