FED: Mini Analysis on Chief and Council Pay

Author: Colin Craig 2014/08/01

I've said it before and I'll say it again - there's a wide spectrum out there in terms of the pay aboriginal Chiefs and Councillors receive.

The latest case of the "million dollar man" - a B.C. Chief who had take home pay of $914,219 last year (for someone off reserve and paying income taxes, that works out to about $1.6 million) - was quite the outlier.

Crawl through all the data on the federal government's web site and you'll find several cases of chiefs and councillors not making very much money at all.

But beyond the 'million dollar man' and cases of chiefs and councillors making not much money, there seems to be a number of instances of pay that may not look like much on the surface, but stand out when you compare the figures with mayors of much larger urban centres. 

Take a look at this chart I put together after making note of a couple of numbers that seemed to be high. The table below is not based on all the data released, just a couple notes I made after going through a few communities yesterday. I would also note the feds have only posted about 13% of the data up so far...

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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