Daifallah Named CTF Board Chair

Author: Scott Hennig 2015/05/20
  • Michael Binnion steps down after 14 years on CTF board, eight as chair

REGINA, SK: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today announced the appointment of Adam Daifallah of Montreal as Chairman of its Board of Directors, effective immediately, following the retirement of Michael Binnion as Chairman and director. [Photo Michael Binnion (L), Adam Daifallah (R)]

Daifallah is a co-founder and partner at HATLEY Strategy Advisors, a public affairs firm with offices in Montreal and Quebec City. Previously, he worked as a lawyer and journalist and is co-author of two books on Canadian politics. Adam is an instructor at McGill University’s North American Studies Program, a fellow of the Montreal Economic Institute, on the Executive Committee of the Quebec Chapter of the Institute of Corporate Directors and on the Communications Committee of Golf Canada.

Binnion commented: “I am pleased that Adam has agreed to take on the challenge of chairing the CTF. I admire Adam’s enthusiasm and think he will bring new ideas and a fresh approach, something the CTF has always been known for.”

"On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, I want to thank Michael for his dedication and contributions to the CTF. After 14 years as a director, including the last eight as Chairman, he has left an important mark on our organization," said Daifallah.


For more information:
Scott Hennig, Vice President, Communications c: 780-953-4484, w: 780-589-1006

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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