City of Edmonton spends on: yo-yos, iPods, beer steins, tartans, stress balls and frisbees

Author: Derek Fildebrandt 2012/10/09

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has dug up a few odd examples of what the City of Edmonton is spending taxpayer’s cash on. While none of these expenses break the bank, they provide an interesting insight as to what city councilors and bureaucrats like to give away as gifts.

In 2009 Corporate Services gave away 6 iPods at a cost of $1,014, or $169 a piece. 

That same year, Community Services managed to spend $6,560 on 3,100 yo-yos. 3,000 of them even lit-up when whirled, but alas, 100 were regular yo-yos and were 50% more expensive. For those who find yo-yos too sedentary an activity, CS also spent $3,100 on 2,500 frisbees.

Interestingly, city councilors have developed a penchant for Scottish tartans and German beer steins. As someone of mixed German-Scottish background, I would hardly object to their tastes in gifts (wink-wink), but it is interesting to note just how often councilors have expensed these items. In these two fiscal years covered under the CTF’s FOIP request, Councilors Anderson, Gibbons, Iveson,  Krushell, former Councilors Thiele and the Deputy City Manager spent $1,085 on beer steins and $9,316 on various Tartan items.

It should be pointed out that the FOIP document does not specifiy what these gifts/promotional items were for.

The full Freedom of Information requests can be found here.



2008 City of Edmonton Promotional Items of Note



Cost Per Unit

 Total Cost

Stress Balls with city logo




Beer Steins








*Average of different tartan items including blankets, scarves and ties

2009-10 City of Edmonton Promotional Items of Note



Cost Per Unit

 Total Cost













Beer Steins








*Average of different tartan items including blankets, scarves and ties

Combined Two Year Total City of Edmonton Promotional Items of Note



Cost Per Unit

 Total Cost













Beer Steins








*Average of different tartan items including blankets, scarves and ties

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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