Chomiak Needs to Pull Up His Socks

Author: Colin Craig 2013/06/24

Energy Minister Dave Chomiak had better start doing his job.

It’s that simple.

In his world, Manitoba Hydro can sign agreements and give millions of dollars to aboriginal reserves, the reserves can then break those agreements and then face no consequences.

Crazy isn’t it?

Recently, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), a donation-based taxpayers watchdog organization, released a leaked audit document from the Tataskweyak Cree Nation in Northern Manitoba.

According to the leaked audit letter, $100,000 worth of travel was double-billed in the community and $2.3 million was “loaned” out from an account that was supposed to pay for sewer and water system upgrades. The auditor clearly noted the $2.3 million “could be clawed back by Hydro as the contribution agreement prohibits lending to other projects.”

When the news broke, Manitoba Hydro and Minister Chomiak both shrugged off the problems. Naively, Hydro seems to think nobody would ever try to double-bill them. Meanwhile, Minister Chomiak just passed the buck and suggested everyone talk to the reserve about the problem.

Make no mistake, the reserve isn’t off the hook, but Minister Chomiak needs to explain why he continues to pour money into a community that is clearly not spending it properly?

To be sure, this is not the first time concerns have been raised about how Hydro dollars have been spent in that community. A whistleblower previously described receiving big cash payments for going to Hydro meetings and community forums that were full of expensive “door prizes.” Others from the community have also cried out for accountability and answers, but to no avail.

Unfortunately, it’s hard for a taxpayers’ watchdog organization like ours to investigate these expense when Hydro refuses to release a single receipt for the $224 million worth of dam negotiation expenses they have paid for northern aboriginal reserves. Apparently it’s all “confidential.”

Sadly, this also isn’t the first time this year that Minister Chomiak has let down whistleblowers.

Back in February, the CTF exposed how the Chemawawin First Nation had also misspent money it received from Manitoba Hydro. In short, the community was given $400,000 from Hydro for a trust fund and blew the money in contravention of the agreement. In fact, the rules specifically noted the band couldn’t do what it did without the provincial government and Hydro’s permission.

Incredibly, when the CTF brought the matter to Minister Chomiak’s attention, he just shrugged it off too. In his world, the government can cut a cheque to a reserve under specific requirements, but as long as the government doesn’t actually sign the agreement, he’s not going to do anything if the money gets misspent.

Perhaps Minister Chomiak should talk to his colleague Theresa Oswald, Minister of Health. Her track record may not be perfect, but earlier this year she stood up for taxpayers by taking a nursing home to task for questionable payouts to its CEO.

Relatively speaking, the money Minister Oswald went after wasn’t a large sum, but at least she seemed to try and send a signal to third parties that they need to be accountable for the tax dollars they receive.

One thing is clear. Taxpayers can’t afford Minister Chomiak’s carefree attitude any longer.








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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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