Canadian Taxpayers Federation applauds Manitoba for rejecting the carbon tax

Author: 2018/10/03

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is applauding Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister for rejecting a carbon tax.


“Premier Pallister is doing the right thing by listening to Manitobans and rejecting a carbon tax,” said Todd MacKay, Prairie Director for the CTF. “This is a major victory for taxpayers and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.”


Today Premier Pallister announced that Manitoba is rejecting a carbon tax while moving forward with a made-in-Manitoba climate and green plan. He had proposed a flat carbon tax, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to respect Manitoba’s environmental plan and made it clear Ottawa would impose a rising carbon tax in the future.


Independent legal analysis commissioned by the Manitoba government suggested provinces could be successful in fighting a federal carbon tax in court if they’re able to demonstrate that their environmental plans are effective.


Rejecting the carbon tax will save Manitoba taxpayers $248 million per year.


“Manitoba’s decision to reject a carbon tax is exciting for taxpayers in Manitoba, but it’s also exciting for taxpayers across Canada because yet another province is rejecting Prime Minister Trudeau’s efforts to impose a carbon tax,” said MacKay.


The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has been campaigning against both the Manitoba and federal carbon tax. Last December, the CTF released polling that showed the majority of Manitobans oppose a carbon tax. Prior to that, the CTF released a report that confirmed Manitoba didn’t need a carbon tax. In the summer of 2017 the CTF partnered with coalition members to launch a province-wide advertising campaign opposing the carbon tax.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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