CTF Launches Recall Legislation Campaign

Author: Derek Fildebrandt 2014/08/01
  • Campaign demands right for Calgary-Elbow and all Alberta voters to recall their MLA

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) launched a petition campaign today calling on the Alberta government to adopt MLA recall legislation to give all Alberta voters the ability to force a recall by-election. If this legislation was adopted, voters in Calgary-Elbow would have the right to recall Redford if they choose to do so. (Photo Flicker/Dave Cournoyer)

Specifically, the CTF is encouraging the Alberta government and Progressive Conservative leadership candidates to commit to introducing ‘recall’ legislation, similar to the B.C. model. B.C.’s legislation allows citizens to force a by-election after collecting the signatures of 40 per cent or more of eligible voters in a constituency.

“Citizens deserve the right to hold their elected officials accountable more than once every four years,” said CTF Alberta Director Derek Fildebrandt. “When politicians prove themselves unworthy of, and unfit for their office, voters should be empowered to legally remove them from power. Considering how former Premier Redford has treated taxpayer’s money with disrespect, yet remains the MLA for Calgary-Elbow, the CTF believes that her constituents deserve the right to recall Redford if they so choose.”

Albertans can sign the petition to enact recall legislation at Taxpayer.com.

“Recall legislation has been successful in removing corrupt and dishonest politicians in B.C., and that province’s legislation provides – with a few important tweaks – a sound model for which Alberta to base similar legislation,” continued Fildebrandt.

“There is the real possibility that before this legislation could be passed, the MLA for Calgary-Elbow could fall on her sword, but this isn’t just about Redford. It’s about giving Albertans a new and powerful tool to hold their government accountable,” said Fildebrandt.

“We encourage the PC government, leadership candidates and opposition parties to get onside, pass recall legislation, and allow the voters of Calgary-Elbow to decide the fate of their MLA,” concluded Fildebrandt.  

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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