CTF Launches Radio Ad Campaign Opposing Billion Dollar Bombardier Bailout

Author: 2015/11/12
  • Bombardier and the Quebec government are asking the new Trudeau government for up to $1.3 billion in tax dollars

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) radio ads will start airing today in opposition to the billion-dollar bailout of Bombardier.

“In the overwhelming majority of industries, governments do not bail out uncompetitive businesses – and for good reason,” said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. “Forcing all Canadians to subsidize politically-favoured businesses is patently unfair and incredibly wasteful.” (Photo Bombardier Airliner Ben May/Flickr)

Wudrick noted that Bombardier has already received well over $2.2 billion in taxpayer support from the federal government over the years, and headlines a long list of recent corporate welfare recipients including General Motors, Chrysler, Pratt & Whitney, Toyota and Linamar.

“Giving scarce tax dollars to big corporations is wrong, period. It does not ‘protect good jobs;’ it merely perpetuates an endless cycle of handouts and encourages other businesses to seek similar favours,” said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. “The new Trudeau government has promised ‘real change,’ and ending this longstanding wasteful practice would be a great place to start.”

The 30-second radio ad, which will beginning running today on select radio stations, is also available on YouTube by clicking here. The CTF continues to fundraise to extend and expand the ad campaign.

The script for the radio ad is: Montreal-based aerospace company, Bombardier, is losing money - and their high-powered corporate lobbyists are already pushing the new Trudeau government for a one-BILLION-dollar taxpayer bailout! Well-connected corporate insiders asking for special favours from government? Talk about a slap in the face to everyday Canadians and their families! Call your member of parliament and tell them to say NO to Bombardier’s billion dollar bailout. We’re the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and we believe tax dollars shouldn’t be wasted. Taxpayer.com


For more information, contact:

Aaron Wudrick, CTF Federal Director
Cell: 613-295-8409
| Email: [email protected]  | Twitter: @awudrick

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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