CTF Calls for Immediate Action in Wake of Auditor General's Senate Audit Report

Author: Aaron Wudrick 2015/06/09
  • CTF calls for full RCMP investigation of nine former and current Senators identified by Auditor General
  • Arbitration process cannot replace criminal investigation process
  • CTF also calls for timely passage of Bill C-518 and the posting of expense receipts online by Senators, MPs and federal government staff

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today responded to the audit report on Senate spending by calling for a full RCMP investigation of the nine former and current Senators identified by the Auditor General.

“We thank the Auditor General for completing this important work. A full criminal investigation for Senators who have been identified as having possibly broken the law is the appropriate next step,” said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick.

Wudrick noted that while the arbitration process which has been set up to deal with expense disputes is a welcome complement to the criminal law process, it should not replace criminal investigations.

In addition, Wudrick also called for swift passage of Bill C-518, the Private Member’s Bill that was passed by the House of Commons 258 to 13 and is currently before the Senate which would ensure politicians convicted of certain crimes are stripped of the taxpayer-funded portion of their pensions.

“The results of this audit show in the clearest terms possible the need for C-518 to become law.” said Wudrick “Senators should ensure this bill – which was overwhelmingly supported by all parties in the House of Commons – passes as quickly as possible.”

Finally, Wudrick reiterated the CTF’s call to have physical receipts scanned and posted online as proactive disclosure.

“Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” said Wudrick. “If every politician and bureaucrat in Ottawa knew that every expense receipt would be posted online for all Canadians to see, you can be certain it would make them more vigilant about following the rules to the letter.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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