BC: Victoria Subsidizes Theatre Goers by $27 Each

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/12/03

Last month, voters in Kamloops rejected a 2% property tax increase to pay for a new theatre complex in their city. Among the concerns of the NO side was ongoing operating costs.

Judging by the financial disaster unfolding in Victoria’s McPherson Theatre, they made the right call.

The Times Colonist reports today that Victoria taxpayers subsidized every ticket sold to a McPherson performance by $27 last year. Think about that – a couple goes out on a date to see a show, and taxpayers chipped in $54 to help cover their cost.

If my family of 5 went to a concert there, we’d be subsidized $135.

And this is an ongoing trend. In 2013, we blogged that McPherson ticket buyers were being subsidized $30 a head.

Kudos to Victoria City Councillor Geoff Young for not ignoring or giving up on this issue. He’s presenting a report to Victoria council today and looking for options to ease the strain on taxpayers, and to determine the theatre’s long-term viability.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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