BC: TransLink Admits Cuts Would Come With a YES Vote

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/06/29

On Friday, TransLink finally got round to holding its annual general meeting to a sparse crowd made up mainly of people being paid to be there – TransLink staff, media and lobbyists. The AGM usually happens in May, but TransLink was terrified it might cause more NO votes, so it waited. 

The big piece of news came in the media scrum with interim CEO Doug Allen afterward. Even as Port Coquitlam Mayor and TransLink tax supporter Greg Moore was telling the Canadian Press that he would blame the No TransLink Tax campaign for service cuts in PoCo (“If this turns out to be a No and in my community bus-service levels go down, I will say that the citizens spoke that they didn't want any new funding for transit.”) 

Meanwhile, Allen was painting a different picture. From the Vancouver Sun:

TransLink passengers will likely see reduced service across the system next year regardless of whether Metro Vancouver residents support or reject a 0.5 per cent sales tax increase to fund transportation expansion.

Interim CEO Doug Allen said the transportation authority will look at “service optimization” — moving buses from lower performing routes such as Port Coquitlam to those with higher demand such as Vancouver’s Broadway — even if the recent plebiscite passes.

“In some areas, if you can get more passengers, or more ridership, then you’re better off,” Allen said following TransLink’s annual general meeting Friday.

So, if No TransLink Tax does win, and cuts do come next year, look at your buddies at TransLink, Mayor Moore – not the good people of the region who didn’t trust them with more of our money. 

Here are some of my tweets (you can follow me @jordanbateman) from the AGM:

  •  TransLink comms: “we like to involve public in our decision making.” Just not through plebiscites...
  •  TransLink CEO confirms this tax grab was about infusing his organization with cash - complete contradiction of what mayors sold voters.
  •  Fascinating to see TransLink preach doom & gloom on a #NoTransLinkTax win, after they spent months saying pleb was abt new service, not old.
  •  TransLink says complaints are down, but questioner points out they don’t accept complaints via social media.
  •  TransLink passes buck on Evergreen sinkholes to Province.
  •  If #NoTransLinkTax wins, CEO Allen says YESmen will address. Says restraint will be order of day (but they said vote wasn’t abt TransLink!).
  •  TransLink AGM theme: “everyone outside this region looooooves us!”
  •  TransLink claims spending controls over past 5 years, but omits mention of gas tax, property tax & fare hikes.
  •  TransLink says vote is pivotal moment for company. But yes side always said this vote had nothing to do with TransLink!
  •  TransLink parading happy staffers through TransLink AGM to tout how wonderful TransLink is. In other news, it’s warm out.
  •  TransLink board has dragged heels for years on opening meetings to public. Pressure of #NoTransLinkTax made it finally happen. #win
  •  TransLink board V-C announces qtrly board mtgs will be open to public. Big win for those of us who fought for more transparency.
  •  After months of claiming pleb wasn’t about TransLink, its vice chair praises mayors, yes side & giving better transit coalition the stage.
  •  TransLink V-C says getting people to vote for tax hike is hard. Last time I sat in this room, the Yes side had a 13 pt lead in polls.
  •  Vice chair touts improvements to skytrain failure response. Only TransLink would consider a C progress. theglobeandmail.com/news/british-c… #translinkAGM
  •  TransLink board v-chair makes lovely speech about how board makes decisions to better region. Open up yr meetings & prove it. #translinkAGM
  •  Board chair Marcella Szel not at #translinkAGM? Last year, she told us exec pay was frozen. But every one of them got a raise.
  •  Will Doug Allen announce his end date or update on new CEO? He’s 4.5 months into a 6 month contract. #translinkAGM
  •  Sparse turnout at #translinkAGM - late June date not so great, plus flux of uncounted TransLink tax vote?
  •  Robertson & Hepner only mayors at #translinkAGM

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