A few weeks ago, a Freedom of Information request response was posted on the provincial government website and it’s pretty interesting.
The B.C. Government has paid out $24 million in severance to employees in the past three fiscal years. The independent offices added another $1.2 million to that amount. It’s tough to gain any context from these numbers, however, as the FOI does not indicate how many employees were let go.
The FOI does break the amounts down by ministry, ranging from Energy and Mines’ $40,159 all the way to the Attorney General’s $3.6 million.
Is Canada Off Track?
Canada has problems. You see them at gas station. You see them at the grocery store. You see them on your taxes.
Is anyone listening to you to find out where you think Canada’s off track and what you think we could do to make things better?
You can tell us what you think by filling out the survey