BC: The Finances of the BC Ferries Vacations Centre

Author: Jordan Bateman 2014/06/20

BC Ferries Vacations, with their shiny office across the street from the new Vancouver Convention Centre, gets plenty of grief from ferry users for being a waste of money. 

So we thought we would request their balance sheet through Freedom of Information. After paying BC Ferries $37 to get it, they sent back the following information:

BC Ferries Vacations
Year-End Fiscal 13/14

Sales Revenue                                   $3,341,869
Less cost of goods sold                        $1,507,807
Net Revenue                                      $1,834,062 

Labour (full time and casual)          $495,493
Vacations Centre (lease, maintenance, insurance, property tax, utilities) $307,820
Administrative (office supplies, equipment, software) $71,190
Subtotal expenses                             $874,503 

EBIDA                                                 $959,559

So roughly a million dollar profit, although they conspicuously leave advertising out of the expense section, and no word on whether “labour” includes administrative expenses charged to other BC Ferries divisions.

BC Ferries’ annual budget is roughly $800 million, so this is a relative drop in the bucket.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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