BC: Tell the Politicians We Want Tougher Penalties for FOI Violations

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/12/08

We need your help. We think British Columbia's Freedom of Information Act is broken - and we want you to help us tell the politicians to fix it. FOI may not seem like the world's sexiest issue, but it's vital to the work we do, and to holding government to account.


Last year, the CTF filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request with TransLink asking for employee severance package information. TransLink ignored our legal right to the information and held it for seven months, admitting later that the completed report sat on the CEO’s desk for most of that time. 

The BC Information Commissioner found TransLink broke the law. However, there is no legal repercussion for TransLink officials for this blatant disregard of your rights. They simply carry on – business as usual – no fine, no sanction, no one gets fired and nobody goes to jail or pays a fine for breaking the law.

We fear the same will go for politicians who have admitted they “triple delete” their emails to make sure they can’t be found for FOI requests. 

Fortunately, we can fight back. Right now, a committee of B.C. MLAs is looking at the FOI Act. The CTF wants stiffer penalties, fines and/or prison time added to the FOI Act to ensure that government agencies follow the law. We also support recommendations by both the Information Commissioner (OIPC) and BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (FIPA).

Can you tell this committee you support the CTF and want tougher penalties in the Act for politicians and bureaucrats who willfully hide information from the public? There are two ways to stand up and be heard:

  1. Go to https://www.leg.bc.ca/Pages/BCLASS-Legacy.aspx#https%3A%2F%2Fwww2.leg.bc.ca%2Fcmt%2Ffoi%2Ffoi_submission.asp and fill out the online form.
  2. Write a letter supporting our position and fax it to 250-356-8172 or mail it to: The Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Room 224, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., V8V 1X4.

Thank you for your help in this – and have a wonderful Christmas season!

-- Jordan, Troy, Shannon and the CTF B.C. Team


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