BC: Taxpayers Continue to React to No TransLink Tax Victory

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/07/07

Here’s a small sample of the mail we’ve been getting since the defeat of the TransLink tax.


I voted no.

I totally support transit however.

All we are saying is that the various levels of government have enough money already and do not need to add additional taxes to pay for transit expansion.

For some reason people on the "yes side" will not even consider this option but want the taxpayer to pay more while many other dubious projects get government funding to go ahead. (V.K.)


You may not like the Fraser Institute, but lets suppose that they are approximately correct in their assessment of how much tax we pay.  For someone with my modest income, the various governments take about $4. of every $10. that my wife and I earn.  If you voted for a tax increase for transit, you are saying that 40% is not enough.  Now suppose they come to us with a plebiscite for reducing wait times for medical care.  I will vote no again, but it doesn’t mean that I am against medical care.  Ditto for other important issues like education, homelessness, poverty and national defense.

You talk about core beliefs.  I believe they should be integrity and fiscal responsibility.  When we get that right, we can talk again about how much tax we pay. (M.T.)


Well the people have spoken! The NO side diffused this major blunder by the Metro Mayors Council and Christy Clark's Government.

The Metro Mayors are the one's responsible for their Municipalities and priorities for all residents. They need to get off their high horses and stop spending OUR MONEY. They have blown some $12 million plus of OUR MONEY not condoned by the residents. If this were a business, heads would roll. We feel the Mayors who have helped themselves to OUR MONEY to support  the YES side should ALL be disbanded. They have lost our TRUST in them for future governance. 

The people have spoken! Listen to US. Stop uncontrolled spending. Translink is not a monument. It is a people mover. Bare necessities should be considered and not millions of tax dollars for beautification of stations which does not provide any return to us.

The People WON. (E.M.)

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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