BC: SkyTrain Poorly Maintained By Wasteful TransLink

Author: Jordan Bateman 2014/11/19

TransLink finally got around to putting out the independent review of the summer SkyTrain meltdowns and, unsurprisingly, it showed they weren’t properly maintaining the system.

Here are some of my tweets from yesterday, as the story unfolded:

  • 3 weeks late. #typical RT @WoodfordCKNW980: Independent review of recent @translink #skytrain meltdowns to be unveiled tomorrow. #bcpoli
  • .@haroldmunro it should fund executives moving funding f/ unsexy maintenance to flashier projects. Mismanagement leading to no redundancy.
  • SkyTrain 95% on time? They only have 2 scheduled runs - 1st & last. Silly stat. #translink
  • It’s not intruders who cause “perception” of aging system. The system IS aging, and $ for maintenance ends up in sexier projects. #translink
  • System running on memory, not training. MT @WoodfordCKNW980: older employees w/ “hands on” experience to better pass knowledge on in manuals
  • Trapped on SkyTrain? Open a window, TransLink says. At least people trapped at stations can “go get a coffee.”
  • The others were all in the shiny new HQ MT @WoodfordCKNW980: review says only 40-50 @Translink staff across entire system during breakdowns.
  • TransLink review shows in first #SkyTrain failure they didn't even have troubleshooting manuals or inventory of spare parts.
  • Brilliant, TransLink. RT @ctv_jon: Communication was down so Translink became aware that Skytrain was down on July 17 because of a tweet.
  • All at HQ. MT @WoodfordCKNW980: McNeil stressing not enough staff to deal with #skytrain meltdowns. @Translink said at time it had plenty
  • Look, SkyTrain shutdowns were basically due to lack of quality control in engineering and spending maintenance $ elsewhere. #translink
  • Small human errors became large scale shutdowns b/c there is no redundancy in systems in SkyTrain. Execs spent $ on “sexier” things.
  • There is no redundancy in SkyTrain systems because execs have created culture of not spending on the non newsworthy. #translink
  • Jarvis trying to earn his half million bucks. “Unacceptable”: yes. How about an apology, Ian? Or should riders get some coffee? #translink
  • Rescuing riders after 20 minutes? What a brilliantly obvious idea. #youneedareviewtotellyouthat #translink
  • Without change in corporate culture, to where preventative maintenance is prioritized, we will see more SkyTrain problems. #translink
  • Sean, they’re the “best & brightest.” RT @seanleslie980: .@TransLink says it will take 5 years to implement recs--5 years! WTH?
  • RT @bobmackin McNeil SkyTrain report notes Guideway Intrusions from birds and newspapers, omits most serious incidents. #bcpoli
  • RT @bobmackin  TransLink paid Gary McNeil $1,200/day for $71M wishlist for SkyTrain upgrades. Did mgmnt neglect the system over the last decade? #bcpoli
  • Laughable he doesn’t think $1.4B is enough. MT @alishrandhawa: NDP MLA Heyman - “there’s a limit to what Translink can do,” BC govt shld give more $

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