BC: Hydro, Liquor and Ferries Get More Expensive Tomorrow

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/03/31

VANCOUVER, B.C.: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is reminding British Columbians about significant increases at BC Hydro and BC Ferries coming into effect tomorrow, April 1st.

“The nickel and diming of B.C. government increases continues, and cash-strapped taxpayers are the ones being treated as April fools,” said Jordan Bateman, the CTF’s B.C. Director. “Tomorrow, it’s hydro, liquor and ferries. Next month, it’s property taxes and likely ICBC. In January, it was CPP, EI and MSP. It never ends for taxpayers.”

Three increases come in tomorrow, April 1:

Several cities are still working on their 2015 budgets, but a few have already announced property tax hikes for this year, including $63 for the average Vancouver home; $162 for the average Surrey home, and $60 for the average Kelowna home. City taxes are due before July 2nd.

It could get worse for taxpayers. ICBC is in the final stages of seeking BC Utilities Commission approval for a proposed $36 increase on basic auto insurance rates.

These increases come after two January 1st tax hikes:

In the Lower Mainland, voters are casting ballots on a new 0.5% TransLink sales tax, which would increase costs by $258 on the average household. Results are expected in early summer.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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