BC: Fernie Mayor Supports Massive Raise For Fernie Mayor

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/05/03

I had quite a chuckle this morning when I read in the Times Colonist that Fernie is considering an 80% raise for its mayor, and 50% raises for its council.

What made me laugh? The story includes comments from raise “supporter” Mary Giuliano claiming the raises would attract new, younger talent to city hall. Who is Mary Giuliano? Why, the mayor in line for the 80% pay bump. “Supporter”? I’d think so!

The raise would move her pay from $20,000 to $36,000 per year, and councillors to $18,000 from $12,000. All to govern a community of fewer than 5,000 people.

This, of course, would trigger a wave of raises in other communities that use Fernie as a comparator. Like Spallumcheen, for example, which just gave their group raises.

The whole thing is ridiculous. There is no competitive market for city politicians. If Giuliano feels underpaid, we encourage her to try and run for office in a place that pays more. Of course, that never happens.

Fernie taxpayers should read this piece I wrote last year: raises for politicians in this economic environment should be a no-go.

And they should consider the thoughts of former Calgary Mayor Rod Sykes, author of Take Back City Hall. Sykes wrote that hiking politician pay has led to less qualified candidates seeking office because the compensation has created professional politicians thereby replacing "civic duty." (hat tip Scott Hennig)

Smarten up, Fernie.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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