BC: Colwood and Langford may have Cheaper Sewage Solution

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/08/18

We’ve written a lot over the years about the Seaterra/Victoria sewage plant, warning of costs and high taxes in the plan.

The Capital Regional District is still working on its next iteration, but there appears to be a sliver of good news for Langford and Colwood taxpayers. From the Goldstream Gazette:

A proposal for a joint sewage plant for Colwood and Langford passed a major hurdle on Tuesday night when Colwood city council unanimously agreed to endorse it.

That means the plan to further investigate the proposal will have Colwood's stamp of approval when Patrick Lucey of Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting delivers the same presentation to Langford council, and the CRD's sewage treatment board later this month.

Colwood council also moved to commit to establishing an appropriate site for a sewage treatment plant as discussed in the presentation.

"I think that what has been proposed in [Lucey's] presentation certainly offers a viable solution to be considered by the project board," said Mayor Carol Hamilton.

Lucey told council that a joint venture between Langford and Colwood could mean significant savings for taxpayers.

The plant would have a smaller capacity, but would leave room for expansion if needed. Lucey estimates that it would cost $58 million and meet the goals of both communities, considerably less than the $204 million estimated price tag in the original CRD plan.

The savings come from building a smaller plant with lower flow requirements, as well as avoiding the construction of a new outfall due to Colwood and Langford's location on sands and gravels.

Well knock us over with a feather: a private company has come up with a cheaper, better alternative than the bureaucrats. Who woulda thunk it?

We’ll be watching this process closely and we hope, for Colwood and Langford taxpayers’ sake, that it pans out.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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