BC: CTF Releases 2016 Taxpayers’ Naughty and Nice List

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/12/20

VANCOUVER, B.C.: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) released its 2016 BC Taxpayers’ Naughty and Nice List today, and a private citizen from Prince George should be in line for a big Christmas thank you.

“Every year, Santa is kind enough to ask us for nominations for his Naughty and Nice list,” said Jordan Bateman, CTF BC Director. “This year, we put Irv Leroux at the top of the nice pile.”


  • Irvin Leroux. In a David vs. Goliath battle, the Prince George man fought the Canada Revenue Agency for 19 years over the CRA’s shoddy handling of his tax files. In the process, Leroux won a pivotal ruling in BC Supreme Court: for the first time, CRA has been deemed to owe taxpayers a “duty of care” in how they treat Canadians. “Irv never recovered the money he lost because of the CRA, but his tenaciousness will help protect Santa and other Canadian taxpayers from being treated unfairly,” said Bateman.
  • Mike de Jong. This was an up and down year for the BC finance minister. Yes, his MSP “kids-eat-free” gimmick fell flat and the BC government still went further into debt, but he did deliver one of only two surplus provincial operational budgets in Canada this year. “BC and Quebec both posted surpluses this year, but BC did it without the help of $10 billion in Equalization from the rest of Canada,” said Bateman. “The rest of the country is a fiscal train wreck, but de Jong has kept BC on track, and that deserves a pat on the back from old St. Nick.”
  • David Eby. While the CTF doesn’t always agree with the solutions proposed by the NDP’s critic for everything, there is no doubt that Eby has kept the BC government’s feet to the fire. “A dogged opposition makes for better government, and Eby’s as dogged as they come,” said Bateman. “When Eby grabs on to an issue, he doesn’t let go until the BC government fixes it. Santa likes his gumption.”
  • Mike Bernier. BC’s mild-mannered education minister showed true grit firing the Vancouver School Board after years of dysfunction and disobeying balanced budget rules. “Every other school district in the province had to make tough financial decisions, but Vancouver kept kicking the can down the road,” said Bateman. “Bernier took a lot of heat from the Vision Vancouver loyalists, but he did the right thing, and should get a nice Christmas thanks.”


  • Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps. With her taxpayers facing another year of property tax hikes and a big sewage treatment plant bill, Helps still frittered away money. After two years of hard marketing and “improved fiscal management,” the McPherson Theatre went from losing $30 per ticket sold to losing $27 per ticket. While raising property taxes, Helps supported spending $144,000 on for two artists-in-residence, and another $7,250 for two poet laureates in Victoria. “When you don’t take care of the little things, they add up,” said Bateman. “Residents and businesses are stretched thin financially in Victoria, but their mayor doesn’t seem to understand that.”
  • BC Transit. The provincial transit operator spent $40,511 for an online video ad to promote a Stawamus Chief bus route that doesn’t exist – a staggering $195 for every social media ‘like’ it garnered. “Picky, picky,” said the company’s spokesman when people complained. But that was just the tip of the waste iceberg. A provincial audit showed BC Transit wasting millions on Sunday premiums, idle drivers, bonuses and car allowances for executives, and more. “Santa’s picky, picky, all right – he just picked BC Transit for the naughty list,” said Bateman.
  • Andrew Jakubeit and Penticton city council. Penticton was embroiled in controversy all year, especially over a proposed private waterslide facility in publicly-owned Skaha Lake Park. Jakubeit also gave back ground on Penticton’s vaunted core review, adding 10 city managers during a time when the city’s population grew by just 411 people, and hiring both a communications officer and an engagement officer. “As the public face of the city, the mayor should be the one engaging the public,” said Bateman. “Santa likes to vacation in Penticton, but city spending is going in the wrong direction and makes him wonder what’s really going on.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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