BC Guest Post: ORV Tax A Slippery Slope

Author: Jordan Bateman 2014/02/28

Last year, we raised the alarm about new Off-Road Vehicle regulations, but the government pushed on, and now there is a $48 tax on ORVs. Errol Borsky of Kamloops wrote us to explain why this is such a bad deal:

Dear Jordan,

You are right on the money!!!!

I am 66 years old and this legislation scares me.

Like you say, $48 seems a pittance, but it will ratchet up annually to become a significant expense.

This registration requirement is more sinister than a simple tax grab and creation of another bureaucracy of Back Woods Traffic Cops.

You just watch.  The dust will not have settled, and they will open the door to imposition of sales tax on transfer of vehicles.

This is huge!  Over the past 40 years, having raised a family and each kid having gone through numerous dirt bikes, there have been literally several dozens and dozens of these that have passed through our hands. (My family is grown up and I still have 6 dirt bikes of my own.)

A little kid of 5 gets a little bike, a year later outgrows it, so then you trade a friend for one bigger and these dirt bikes and ATV's are traded back and forth many many times.

Got the point?  Now with each "trade", we have to go down town and pay the $48, and in addition, Jordan, we will have to pay "sales tax" on the value.

Don't believe me? Just watch these "out of control" government creeps who have just found another way into our back pockets.

This is so sad.

This is the tip of the iceberg of the demise of one of the last freedoms that we have, to purchase an ATV and dirt bike, to go out camping with our families, enjoy outdoor activities in true Canadian Fashion, without a government toadie tracking every move.

Yours truly,
Errol Borsky

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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