A Taxpayer-Friendly Path Forward: CTF Releases 2008-09 Ontario Budget Recommendations

Author: Kevin Gaudet 2008/01/30

LONDON: In its 2008-09 budget recommendations released today, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling for the Ontario government to freeze spending, eliminate the health tax and begin debt repayment. CTF Ontario Director, Kevin Gaudet presented the report entitled 'A Taxpayer-Friendly Path Forward' in London to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economics. Gaudet said, "for too long moving Ontario forward has meant 'moving spending forward'. It is time, instead, to move forward for taxpayers with spending control, tax relief and debt reduction."

Ontario's books have been balanced on the backs of taxpayers and spending is running out of control. As a result, the CTF is calling for a two year freeze on spending followed by a spending cap limited to the combined rates of inflation and population growth. The CTF is also recommending immediate broad-based tax relief with the elimination of the health tax.

At $162.9 billion, Ontario's debt amounts to $12,656 for every man woman and child in the province. It consumes over $9 billion a year in interest payment - just under $25 million a day. "It is time to stop the digging with a legislated debt repayment program of 1% of revenue," Gaudet said.

Other recommendations in the report include:

  • Rejecting the request to give new taxing powers to municipalities and taking away Toronto's taxing powers;
  • Implementing a Gas Tax Accountability Act;
  • Ending corporate welfare;
  • Holding crown corporations more accountable with timely annual reports and public meetings; and,
  • Increasing transparency of spending by making minister's, ministerial staff and senior civil servant expenses available online. As well, every quarter publishing online government grants and contributions.

In total, the 33 page report makes 17 recommendations for the 2008-09 provincial budget. Copies may be found online by clicking Here or calling the Ontario office at 1-877-267-3218.

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For more information please contact:

Kevin Gaudet at 416-203-0030 or his mobile at 416-725-0501

Additional information about the CTF can be found at our website at: www.taxpayer.com

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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