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— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

SK: Reasonable not Rich Pensions

No one expects a government employee to work for peanuts.

But at the same time, their pay and benefits shouldn’t be head and shoulders above the people footing the bill – taxpayers - but that’s what’s happening.

Several government employee pension plans in Saskatchewan are drowning in debt because the payments promised to plan members are beyond reasonable – they’re simply too rich!

On top of the money taxpayers already put into these “defined benefit” pension plans for government employees each year, taxpayers are now having to bail them out.

That’s just not fair.

Statistics Canada data shows 75% of people working outside government in Saskatchewan have no workplace pension plan at all. They shouldn’t have to keep paying more and more to fund other peoples’ pension plans.

To fix the problem, politicians need to put new hires in less expensive, and more reasonable, “defined contribution” plans. These plans protect taxpayers from having to bailout pension shortfalls.

Be sure to watch the video above and sign our petition for pension reform!

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A monthly gift will go even further to hold politicians accountable and fight for lower taxes and against government waste.