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— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

No Pensions for Convicted MLAs

Politicians convicted of abusing public money will continue to collect a very rich pension plan paid for by the very taxpayers who’s money they no regard for when they were in office.

Does that sound right to you? Doesn’t sound right to us.

Three years ago the Nova Scotia’s Auditor General found that millions of taxpayer dollars wasted on everything from hand bags, to coffee makers, big screen tvs and power generators.

The result was convictions against three MLAs.

Richard Hurlburt MLA (Yarmouth): plead guilty to breach of trust relating to expenses he submitted for a big screen tv and a generator.

Dave Wilson MLA (Glace Bay): plead guilty to one count of breach of trust and uttering a forged document.

Russell MacKinnon MLA (Cape Breton West): plead guilty to breach of trust.

What do all of what do all these cases have in common? Each of one will continue to receive a taxpayer funded MLA pension that is so rich that for every one dollar and MLA puts into the program, taxpayers put in $22.

Even worse…one of these MLAs despite his conviction still believes he did nothing wrong.

In an interview with Steve Murphy from CTV, when asked “do you believe you’ve done anything wrong”, MacKinnon responded by saying…”No”.

Its time to end to taxpayer payouts to convicted politicians. Lets do something about it.

Please take the time to sign our petition.

And please contact Nova Scotia’s political leaders and tell them to bring in a law that would take away these pensions.

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A monthly gift will go even further to hold politicians accountable and fight for lower taxes and against government waste.