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Thank you for signing the petition. Your support helps us fight for lower taxes, less waste and more accountable government.

— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

Fair Government Pay & Pensions

The average Alberta bureaucrat costs taxpayers $102,000 a year, and 10.3% more than the equivalent private sector worker. Bringing these salaries and benefits in line with the private sector would save taxpayers $1.4 billion a year.

97% of Alberta’s government employees have a risky “defined-benefit” pension plan that requires generous funding and leaves taxpayers exposed to multi-billion dollar bailouts. This makes is harder for Albertans without a government pension plan to save for their own retirements.

It’s time to bring government salaries and pensions in line with norms in the private sector.

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A monthly gift will go even further to hold politicians accountable and fight for lower taxes and against government waste.