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— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

CTF Applauds Quebec’s Balanced Budget But Warns Much Remains To Be Done

QUÉBEC, QC - The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today applauded Québec’s second consecutive balanced budget, but noted that taxpayers in the province still face a heavy tax burden that will require future spending reductions to address.

"The Couillard government deserves credit for balancing the budget again, especially considering most other governments across the country have not shown the political will to do so," said CTF Quebec Director Carl Vallée. "That said, much remains to be done. The government must take additional steps to control and reduce spending, in order to make significant reductions in the tax burden of Québecers in the future. "

Despite achieving a balanced budget, Québec's public debt continues to rise at an alarming rate, with consolidated provincial debt reaching $197 billion this year, and projected to exceed $200 billion by next year on current estimates.

"We cannot forget that this balanced budget is funded in part by equalization payments that Québec receives year after year," added Vallée. "It is essential that the government work towards ending Quebec's economic dependence on the rest of Canada, and to establish a plan for the zero equalization."

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