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— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

Support the Debt Clock Tour

The national debt is really the government spending with your credit card.

Here’s the problem: most Canadians don’t know that.

They don’t know Canada’s national debt is already more than a trillion dollars. They don’t know politicians are borrowing more than $391 million per day. And they would spit their coffee out if they saw the interest bill on the debt is more than two billion dollars a month.

If you’re going to cancel that credit card, you’ll need your neighbours to understand the problem and help. But how are you going to do that when politicians keep telling people the deficit doesn’t matter?

“There were few better arguments at that time that carried the weight of that damned clock!”

That was former finance minister and prime minister Paul Martin. He tackled the deficit when it spiraled out of control three decades ago. And he was talking about the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Debt Clock.

The Debt Clock is a huge digital counter mounted on a truck that shows the trillion-dollar debt flying up in real time.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is touring the Debt Clock right across Canada and putting it all over social media.

Taxpayers who see the Debt Clock’s numbers flying up will never again believe that deficits don’t matter.

A national Debt Clock tour isn’t cheap. We are looking for 295 supporters to cover the gas for 30 km each. That's about $10. Could you cover 30 km?

If you prefer to use paypal click here or continue below to donate via credit card

A monthly gift will go even further to hold politicians accountable and fight for lower taxes and against government waste.