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Professional Sales Opportunities

Add your voice, through a rewarding professional sales career with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, Canada's leading non-partisan citizen's advocacy group dedicated to lower taxes, less waste and accountable government.

Openings are available in various locations across Canada for independent commissioned sales representatives with a compensation package that includes generous bonus incentives and residual income.

As an Independent Contractor, you will solicit supporters and contributions on behalf of the CTF and its mandate. As a motivated self-starter, you will call on individuals and businesses within an area and time frame that can be tailored to best suit your personal schedule.

A team of seasoned sales professionals will support you by providing in-depth comprehensive initial training, on-going support and the sales tools necessary to succeed and make a difference. A willingness to learn, personal organization and previous sales experience is beneficial.

To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to the National Field Manager:

  • MAIL
    Canadian Taxpayers Federation
    501-2201 11th Ave Regina, SK S4P 0J8

    [email protected]

Job Opportunity: Summer Internship

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is hiring two summer interns to work closely with our
communications directors over the summer (May-Aug).

The CTF internship program is not endless coffee runs and door knocking.

Interns help on real projects and learn valuable career skills along the way. As an intern you will
learn how to obtain important government documents via access to information requests, see
your research being used by CTF directors in media interviews, and discover the behind-the-
scenes process of taxpayer advocacy.

See what former interns had to say about their experience HERE.

To Apply:

Applicants are invited to submit their resume and references along with a cover letter to Leam Dunn, Executive Director of Generation Screwed. E-mail: [email protected]

The deadline to apply is April 9, 2025