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Thank you for signing the petition. Your support helps us fight for lower taxes, less waste and more accountable government.

— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

Scrap ALL carbon taxes

This is your chance to tell politicians you don’t want the carbon tax relabelled, you want ALL carbon taxes gone.

You can bring that message to Parliament Hill where politicians, bureaucrats, the media and carbon tax activists will see it every single day.

Right now, politicians are scheming up new ways to repackage carbon taxes.

They want to hammer businesses with carbon taxes and hope you won’t notice when your life gets more expensive.

Your billboard will show them you aren’t buying what they’re selling. Your billboard will show them Canadians want all carbon taxes scrapped.

You can send a message with this billboard by DONATING on the secure form below.

If you prefer to use paypal click here or continue below to donate via credit card

A monthly gift will go even further to hold politicians accountable and fight for lower taxes and against government waste.